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Great question. Because every property is different, the price we give us dependant on the size of your property, where your windows are positioned and the window cleaning services that you require. We provide you with a free custom quote that is designed to suit your needs.

Depending on where your home is located, this can vary as weather conditions or environmental factors can have an influence on this. Generally, we recommend having your windows cleaned every 3 months. Some homes may need to be done more frequently than this, others can wait longer. When we clean your windows, we will provide you with recommendations and you can also sign up for a maintenance plan to ensure your windows are always sparkling!

Yes, we do both. In fact, we recommend that you have both cleaned to get the best results. Of course, it is very much up to you and your own preference.

Yes we do! We have been cleaning windows for commercial properties for over 18 years. Our equipment can reach up to 6 stories from the ground.

We do. Along with residential and commercial window cleaning,
we also provide:
⚫ Pressure Washing
⚫ House Washing
⚫ Solar Panel Cleaning
⚫ Screen Cleaning
We only carry out the safest work practices on your property.

Talk to us first before making any decisions please, there is always someone willing to do a job for less. The real question you should ask is not why are we charging that amount, but why are they willing to do it for so cheap?


  • Do they have the right equipment to give you the results that you are looking for?
  • Do they have the experience and the know how to complete the job properly?
  • Are they fully insured? Last thing you want is damage to your property and having to fix it out of your pocket.
  • Are they willing to guarantee their work? Hiring someone to come back and fix someone’s mistakes are sometimes more costly that doing it right the first time.

Many cleaners use regular household glass cleaning solution and a paper towel to clean the insides of windows. While this seems like a reasonable solution, it really creates more problems than it solves. Traditional paper towels, while soft to the touch, are actually made of abrasive fibers that scratch your windows after repeated use. Those paper towels can also create a static charge on your window surfaces that attracts even more dirt. We rely on microfiber towels to prevent static and scratching. Our team only uses the professional-grade, eco-friendly window cleaning products and techniques, too.

The short answer: When they are dirty. Seriously, you deserve clean windows! The long answer: We recommend every season change ( 3 months) to maintain your windows well but at a minimum we suggest twice a year. Once a year is just to far apart which allows a salt and dirt to build up on your glass and cause possible damage.

We continue to work in light precipitation, If it is heavy rain or set in for the day we will reschedule this work for a better day. In our experience it is rare for rain to affect the windows. 

You can pay via your appointment on  the quote form via credit card. On the day of the work via credit card or we can email and sms your invoice with a link for you to pay with a credit card or pay via EFT using our bank details.

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